Marine Salvage

Nautilus Marine is a leading provider of marine salvage services. We specialize in recovering and removing sunken or damaged vessels and their cargo. We are committed to providing our clients with the safest, most efficient, and most cost-effective salvage solutions possible.

Our salvage operations typically begin with a thorough assessment of the wreck. We need to understand the size and type of vessel, the water depth, the weather conditions, and the potential hazards involved. Once we have a good understanding of the situation, we can develop a detailed salvage plan.

Our salvage plans are tailored to the specific needs of each job. We use a variety of equipment and techniques, depending on the circumstances. For example, we may use 50 ton roller bags to float a wreck to the surface, or we may use 300 ton chain pullers to drag a wreck to a more suitable position for removal. 

Our equipment is readily available and deployed from 20-foot containers, which allows more flexibility to adapt to changing project parameters, conditions, and unforeseen challenges.

We understand that salvage operations can be complex and challenging. That’s why we work closely with our clients to ensure that their needs are met and that their objectives are achieved. We also have a strong commitment to safety and environmental responsibility. We take all necessary precautions to minimize the risk to personnel and the environment during our salvage operations.

We are confident that our marine salvage services can help our clients to achieve their objectives safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

Please contact us for a consultation or proposal to discuss any aspect of Salvage, Wreck Recovery or Commercial Diving.

Contact Nautilus Marine Inc.

Gordon Olson CEO
6180 Harbor Road
Port Orange, Florida 32127

Office- 386-322-3630
24 Hour Mobile – 386-679-1975